Donate To Saint Valentine Foundation 

Bank: Zenith Bank

Account number: 1017232527

Account holder: Saint Valentine Foundation

Pipe borne water

Every human being deserve access to water. Water is the major componet of most body parts. 60% of a mans body is water and 55% of a womans body is water, no human can survive without water. In rural areas in Nigeria children walk long distance to fetch water, some children carry 30 liters water jerrycan on their head, 30 liters jerrycan weights more than half of an average child's body. Some families buy water in order to survive. Saint Valentines Foundation urge you to support us in providing pipe borne water in rural areas were everyone in the community gets access to free and clean water

I million school books

Join Saint Valentines Foundation in providing 1 million school books for the less privileged students in Nigeria. Educating children helps reduce poverty. Education provides the next generation necessary tools to create a better life for themselves and conquer disease. School also offers children a safe environment with support, supervision and socialization. This is why education is our number one priority. You can help make this project a reality by donating to Saint Valentines Foundation

1 million school pens

Join Saint Valentines Foundation in providing 1 million pens for the less privileged students in Nigeria. Educating children helps reduce poverty. Education provides the next generation necessary tools to create a better life for themselves and conquer disease. School also offers children a safe environment with support, supervision and socialization. This is why education is our number one priority. You can help make this project a reality by donating to Saint Valentines Foundation

1 million school shoes

Join Saint Valentines Foundation in providing 1 million school shoes for the less privileged students in Nigeria. Educating children helps reduce poverty. Education provides the next generation necessary tools to create a better life for themselves and conquer disease. School also offers children a safe environment with support, supervision and socialization. This is why education is our number one priority. You can help make this project a reality by donating to Saint Valentines Foundation

Basketball all around the world

Football is a tradition in Africa whereas basketball is still growing in rural areas, as a fan of basketball Saint Valentine Foundation is very interested in building a street basketball gym in rural areas in Nigeria and organizing a 3 X 3 basketball street jam. You can help make this project a reality by donating to Saint Valentines Foundation

District football competition

Saint Valentines Foundation  is immensely interested in organizing a district football cup, were different district can participate and earn a chance to a cup which comes with a price. Our reason for this event is to reduce violence among teenagers and area boys in Nigeria and to offer them a chance to exhibit their talents. You can help make this project a reality by donating to Saint Valentines Foundation

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